Research has shown that other people play a major role in the success rate of quitters. Getting family and friends involved can help make your quit easier. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Join a behavioral support group
Quit-smoking resources, such as MyQuit are very helpful. They let you track your progress and offer advice to manage your cigarette cravings and avoid triggers.
Nominate a “quit coach”
This will be the person you check in with on a regular basis throughout your quit. Your quit coach will be there to help when cravings hit, or to give advice and encouragement.
Create a quit network
Create a group of family and friends that you can reach out to for different aspects of your quit. It also helps to have someone you can talk to about how your quit is going at the end of each day.
Play the “craving game”
The rules are easy, whenever you feel a craving, text a family member or a friend and tell them. Their response has to change the subject to get your mind off the craving.
Make a deal with someone
As you achieve goals during your quit, make a deal that a friend will do something nice for you. This could be for anything. Write it down and use it as a motivation.
Engage with quit-smoking groups
If you want to keep your quit private but still want support from others, a quit-smoking forum might be the way to go. For inspiration, try the Nicorette® and NicoDerm® CQ® Facebook page